Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash
In a normal e-newsletter, I would talk about planting and natural things (hence the website LifeintheGreen.House) however I needed to vent a little about what happens to humans when they are “naturally” left to themselves.
Have you ever seen the movie, Idiocracy? A friend suggested I watched it, as it exaggerates the stupidity in society. I wouldn’t normally recommend watching a movie that is crude and has stupid people doing stupid things…however, it is the type of movie that can slap a person along side of their head and say, “Wake up!” so for that reason, you might want to watch it. It definitely shows how dark a society can become when it focuses only on fame and pleasure.
It has become increasingly obvious that society wants us to NOT become critical thinkers or conformers and for all of us to look non-binary. Regardless of skin color, gender or abilities, we are not supposed to become the unique individuals we were created to be (according to the world anyway). If we obey, we follow and focus on not offending anyone else. It’s not only confusing, it’s ridiculous.
As much as I love to talk about how unique we all are, I absolutely cannot tolerate personality tests. Some would argue that personality tests reveal we are all different. The problem is that these tests put you in a cage and tell you can’t break out of it. People then turn these tests into standards that guide them through their life.
I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard people say, “Well, I’d go do that with you but, I’m an introvert so I’m really quiet and prefer to be by myself.” Here’s another, “I’m an extrovert so I’m bored when I’m alone.” Now, these statements in themselves seem very self-aware or analytical on the surface and not necessarily bad. I understand that sometimes (such as job hunting) its great to understand whether or not you’d like to lead or follow. But if you really listen to what you are saying when speaking those statements, in essence you’re limiting your capabilities and making decisions based purely on your feelings or circumstances instead of truth. You give power to a test (a non-human) that doesn’t know you.
What then, is the correct assessment to make about yourself? Well, I’m glad you asked! Instead of personality tests, let’s do God-confidence tests or try to be like Jesus! (Now there’s a goal!) Jesus is introvert, extrovert, genius, amazing, successful, cool, incredible, confident, strong and any other adjective you are looking to acquire from taking an assessment. It is in this way of thinking that you start to depend on what God says about you instead of what a man-made test says.
Start here:
I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14)
I am created in His image. (Genesis 1:27-29)
Jesus died so that I might live and He’ll take care of me. (Romans 14:8)
I can do all things through Him that created me. (Philippians 4:13 KJV)
I will not come under the power of anyone but God, as I am thankful for what he has done for me. (1 Corinthians 6:12)
(Side note: Did you know there are benefits to being thankful? See my blog here).
(There are more ways of thinking or saying what God says about you coming soon!)
Why is this important? Because if we do not start looking to see what God says about us, we will be forced to live the way the world, the culture and other people say we should live. We limit ourselves by saying we can’t go beyond the borders of our personality. So stop it!
How do we change how we talk about ourselves? It starts with asking the Lord what His plans are for us. It means to chew on the scriptures listed above. We need to speak these TRUTHS and not the lies the world says about us. If God indeed can turn any situation around, He most certainly desires you to grow more than the box you may have put yourself in. This is what growth is…allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal and break down barriers so you can see the potential God sees in you. That potential is more than being an introvert or an extrovert or an idiot-vert.
Time to grow up and take your life back. Ask God to show you His plan for you every day, if not every minute. I’m totally serious. This is how we succeed, take our country back and live the life God intends for us!
Be blessed and stay free-